Grand RAM
10th December 2013
A good turnout of West Lancs brethren saw W. Bro's Geof Lee, Paul Snape, David Emerson, John Forster and David Bell invested with RAM GR by bthe Pro Grand Master  Ben Addy in London on Tuesday afternoon.
More than 20 brethren had attended Monday's Grand Stewards Lodge and made it a 2 day event with the RAM Assembly on Tuesday.
33 West Lancs brethren joind the P.G.M. Rt W. Bro Peter Connolly at the festive banquet after the meeting and are pictured.
Earlier, in the festive spirit the Dep P.G.M. Keith Beardmore met one of Santas Elves in Covent Garden and was presented with the gift of a box of continental chocolates sponsored by Tesco.
Article and photographs courtesy of Keith Beardmore